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We thank you and our staff over the years for enabling us to reach and complete a 28th season cruising and dining on Raquette Lake. “…around half of all businesses no longer exist after five years. Only one-third make it past their 10th anniversary. These statistics have been remarkably consistent through the years. Interestingly, major…

Then….and now…..Age 1…Age 24

Matt Weimer the baby and Matt Weimer the man, holding a chip Captain Dean gave him 23 years ago!  His mom is Phyllis and Bill Blanchard’s daughter.

Raquette Lake and Adirondacks in this month’s issue Smithsonian Magazine!

It’s interesting to note that the word “vacation” comes from the fact that the wealthy during the Gilded Age period in American history left or vacated the dirt and heat of the city and headed north to the coolness of the mountains and wilderness….hence vacation!  Read all about the birthplace of the American vacation on the link below.  Nice press for our own beloved Great Camp Sagamore.